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Monday, 21 October 2013

Serious about losing weight? Learn how yoga can help!

Yoga has performed widely known and by many people today, mostly by health enthusiasts. The goal of yoga is to help a practitioner to attain a balanced sense of being of mind, body and spirit. Many have resorted to yoga to recover from or to prevent sickness.

These days, many people also choose yoga as a means to lose weight. know what yoga can really help you in terms of losing weight is to help speed up your metabolism. It is common knowledge that metabolism plays an important role in increasing the burning of calories. Regular practice of yoga can help with weight loss and also prevent weight gain. like any other methods of weight loss, we have to understand that yoga takes time before the desired result is achieved. There is a need for discipline in performing yoga on a regular basis and making it a part of your daily routine to fully experience its benefits. yoga involves different breathing techniques and twisting positions or physical poses that stimulate the function of internal organs. These poses create heat in the body and because of this, the body gets stimulated as well.

As your metabolism increases, it helps your body burn more calories. burning more calories will reduce your weight assuming that maintain a normal caloric intake. A good rule of thumb is 10 minutes practicing yoga will burn approximately 50 calories. an hour of yoga can burn about 250 calories. 's all different yoga poses, which include forward and backward bending and twisting positions, help normalize the activity of your body's internal organs . positions enhance the endocrine system which is responsible for the body's chemical processes that convert food into energy the body to use. regular practice of yoga also improves the body's blood circulation and helps to normalize your pressure blood.

A healthy circulatory system will help keep the body easily and produces many mental and physical benefits include reducing stress hormones. proper blood circulation helps to oxygenate all parts of your body as the blood carries oxygen to all the tissues and organs of the body. them oxygenation of body cells using yoga breathing techniques also help to decrease the weight. Yogis believe that a person's energy is transported through our breath. practiced control of our breath, a large part of yoga, it can lead to different areas of our body and every tension will be converted into energy. exhaling allows us to release anything that is not needed by our bodies. benefit other yoga toning muscle tissue.

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