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Monday, 14 October 2013

Rid the body

People are venturing into it in an attempt to rid the body of harmful substances and a few extra pounds uncomfortable with Customized fat loss torrent by Kyle Leon Starts in that the first day only drink, then several days you eat fruits and the end of the week may only be yoghurt.

 At the same time you pour into each other constantly liters of water, tea and fruit juices. If you think that your body thrives, you're wrong. On the contrary, you take hunger strike and it will return to fatigue and extra pounds. Any starvation is start saving mode - whatever you eat will be stored as fat. "The worst are the single-type diets Egg, grapefruit ... everything that limit some nutrients to a minimum.

Usually it is a protein, which is an example soup," says Carolina head. Get famous soup so that the water you cook tomatoes, onions, cabbage and celery, then mixed and eat a few days, until your soup does not climb ears. This gradually adding (for a change) other vegetables, fruits, rice, meat this means that the body is not almost any protein.

Calculate your body mass index "People are starving, your body takes its own proteins from muscle, so weight loss is to the detriment of lean mass. And the less muscle, the lower basal metabolism, which means burning, "says dietitian. At the end of these outrageous diets, one looking forward to eat, and when he returns to the original board, pound logically goes up. Unfortunately, neither takes muscles, but fat. The body therefore looks worse than before the diet with Customized fat loss reviews by Kyle Leon

About the Author:

Felicia Julia is the author and is a very prolific health blogger.

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